Made with XME: Contact Center Software Upgrade

Everything depends on a quick response to a client's request: beginning from the impression of interacting and ending with the company's reputation. Therefore, the contact center is one of the core components that can impact brand perception in the market. Many companies operating in omnichannel mode cannot answer with certainty what tasks a contact-center software should perform. will help businesses to determine.
In this Article:
5. Results
Contact Center Software in 2021
For any industry that needs a contact center, the last one should be unified. It's the first thing that is worth paying attention to. The larger the business, the principal seamlessness, and efficiency of internal processes. In this case, everyone needs a convenient contact center: the client, the employee, and the manager.
The client desires to receive a prompt response to his request, timely demand satisfaction, and a positive impression of working with the company.
The management goal is to make the client happy and increase his lifetime value while spending a minimum resource to achieve it.
But don't forget about employees, since the above points directly depend on the level of their productivity.
Therefore, the key question that a business must face is how to optimize its staff work. Otherwise, a company can suffer significant losses, not understanding how to eliminate the cause. It's about the loss of:
customers, upset with the service,
employees suffered from professional burnout
time/money investments when the result doesn't meet expectations.
Not every vendor solution is capable of preventing this outcome. In such a case, it all depends on the condition and needs of a particular area. The majority of medium and large business representatives need a custom development of contact center software. decided to share a piece of its working expertise on a similar project.
Fast Code Solutions: Contact Center For 20+ million Customers Upgrade R&D team has created not only a solution but a digital transformation path itself with core features:
accelerate the online orders/requests processing
minimize the negative client-company interaction cases
perform over 1M+ orders per day
simplify staff work and training
expand upselling capabilities
increase the level of internal systems integration R&D team has analyzed current customer conditions. The core task was to upgrade the legacy monolith system and save some old components, like ERP, at the same time. The decision was to design microservice-based components that can integrate with the existing software seamlessly. Boosted contact center and order management system capable of proceeding requests in real-time were the perfect beginning. The contact center would be a point of efficient client-company communication when the order management system would act as an additional built-in mechanism, facilitating the processing of information and systems interaction.
The development cycle took 8-12 months and included stages of analysis, project planning, designing itself, testing, and step-by-step deployment near the legacy system's functioning.

Unlike a simple contact center, where employees accept customer requests, here, the contact center can directly influence several processes. Let's look at the possibilities of development results using an example:
Real-world example
Meet John. He had ordered a dishwasher machine for his mom online in one of the electronic stores. But the case is John had mixed up the delivery addresses and indicated his one. He called the store's contact center to clarify delivery changes and ask to bring the machine on November 25 (just in time for mom's birthday). Ann - the contact center operator quickly changed the delivery date and address. During the conversation, Ann had got the information that John might be interested in a hob purchase. The system also displayed data on the promotion, following which John could buy a dishwasher and get a toaster for only $ 15. Ann decided to offer it immediately, and John gladly added both goods to his core order. Hob has been needed for John's new kitchen, and he ordered its delivery at his address. A toaster would have been a great addition to his present for mom. Such a purchase included the work of masters.
So, during the 2.5 minutes of conversation, Ann had changed the address and date of delivery, made a successful upsell, and added new products to the shopping cart. When the data has been updated and finalized, it was transmitted in real-time to the:
logistics department that is responsible for goods shipping;
ERP system that should form a relevant invoice.
Ann also would not have been able to make an upsell without the contact center integrating with marketing and analytics departments, as well as a loyalty system.
Everything would have been fine, but on November 25, John called the contact center again. Unfortunately, the master hadn't performed his job appropriately. A hob stopped working. John demanded the master's assistance. The internal store processes were well-designed so that the contact center could manage force majeure events like this one in a short time. The information had been transferred to the ERP system that changed the reporting and also to the staff management system that assigned a certain master to visit the client the next day.
Thus, regardless of the circumstances, modern software and well-designed internal business processes solved John's problems of varying complexity in a matter of minutes. They also had saved Ann's time and mood, and she was able to process 40 more orders that day.

Why Platform was chosen
As seen, the contact center and order management system became the desired working result. They interact with each other and the rest of the internal systems in the following way: all orders are processed by the contact center staff. Until the final order data formation, it's placed in the order management system. The last one transfers relevant order information to a monolithic ERP, marketing system, analytics department, logistics system. Besides, it provides an operator with the generated data from the marketing, loyalty systems, and the analytics department about existing promotions and goods that should be offered to the client as an upsell.
The one-stop-shop contact center interface simplifies the operator's work. It's easy to understand and use. Now, to process orders, employees don't have to switch between dozens of tabs with different programs and files. Thanks to the high level of integration, the system provides relevant data exactly when it's needed. It's able to handle both linear (such as purchasing a product) and complicated issues that require multiple back-end systems participation.
Thus, the fast code solutions operating gave the following results:
upsells level growth
increase the number of processed orders
reduction of time for order processing
some orders are processed automatically
changes in KPI and employee motivation system
prompt identification and elimination of negative precedents
increasing the omnichannel level through integration with the marketing system
integration with 10 internal systems
a prompt solution of issues in real-time
microservice architecture based software

Thus, the contact center tasks can and should go beyond incoming call processing. Only then it can fully provide benefits for business. The omnichannel level is permanently growing. It demands an acceleration of customer service provision via different communication channels. Moreover, the system should receive all the necessary information directly from the client to make the service even more customized and efficient. A robust microservice contact center with an easy-to-understand interface allows increasing the number of orders processed per day and meeting customer demand even before it arises.
A feature-rich solution is hardly a vendor subscription-based one. But it can be a custom development result, written on the code platform.
