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Fear? Not If You Use Low-Code The Right Way!

Writer: Victor KmitaVictor Kmita

What instrument do you use for building or redesigning business processes? What results did you get? Management often worries about the purchase of any product for commercial activity optimization.

But there is no reason to be afraid if you know what digital enterprise transformation solution suits your condition and needs. Let's check what will be a perfect solution for you: low code or fast-code open-source platform. Maybe you should get both of them? All the answers are below.

When It's Better To Use Low Code Powers

Businesses like easy ways, like low code development. Just look at this Gartner's prediction and make sure that it's true.

The global low-code technologies market will grow up to $13.8 billion this year, which is 22.6% higher than in 2020.

So, a low code platform is often about convenient usage

It's a product that helps different corporate specialists to create software using visual elements. This technology is based on the BPMN way of describing business processes. The latter is a set of designations and their descriptions in XML, which allow you to model business processes.

This approach is worth attention because it:

  • Allows multiple actors, like process participants, analysts or management to be involved in software development. It reduces the burden on the IT department and enables engineers to deal with complex programming.

  • Provides the opportunity to rapidly modernize processes, adapting them to commercial realities. What companies develop from scratch in years, a low code product can create in months.

Let's take, for example, the successful experience of cooperation between Buyer and Appian. Due to the low code product, a large pharmaceutical company has created a solution for generating and analyzing reports. Now the employees spend no more than 3 hours on it. Due to the high level of integration with third systems, this one always provides accurate data. What is this if not a total workflow optimization?

One more bright example is the result of the housekeeping enterprise SUEZ. The company created an e-commerce portal using the Mendix product. For the first 3 months of its operation, its net profit was £ 500,000.

Yes, a low code product is definitely for you, when you need to design some simple-logic product or lightly optimize actions in a short term and don't have any internal resources for coding.

However, developing a BPMN or low code version of processes is appropriate only for the simple ones. We don't recommend building core business processes like order fulfillment or purchasing there.

Why is a low code solution doesn't a good choice for complex development?

Each low code platform has essential technical limitations

Working with it requires additional support. You need to involve an engineer specializing in that particular low-code platform. Usually, such services are quite expensive and do not pay off.

Building a complex business process, you will need to code

It is almost impossible to do it with a low code solution. When delivering software you need to have freedom of change, black-boxed solutions like no-code offer no possibility of changing the core. This causes inconvenience and does not lead to the desired result.

Vendor Lock

If you need a complex commercial product, it is better not to take risks using a low code. It is always about vendor restrictions. Limitations in integration, scalability, and ability to change your product. The product will act based on low code solution updates, but not your ones.

Thus, if you have an idea to build or modernize a complex business process, it is better to opt for an open-source fast code platform.


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