How To Improve Business Processes In 16 Minutes
Toolkit To Update Business Processes In A Matter Of Minutes
A stitch in time saves nine. It also applies to software updates. They must be rapid so that the purpose of the change is not lost. Some companies spend weeks and months "to enjoy" the process. For example, for the retail industry, it is vital to update components almost instantly when a requirement arises. Is this possible? And if so, what kind of magic do they use? Let's find out.
Try Business Process Management Instruments
Under ordinary circumstances, making changes to digital products looks like this. The system accumulates data every time. Their analysis enables making management decisions. This information is processed by analysts compiling a report for management. It is followed by a protracted data discussion in meetings and a single business decision as a result. After that, the decision is transmitted to business analysts who analyze the necessary changes in business processes. Then a scheme of process change is submitted. Information system consultants use it to create work statements for the developers. And at last, the business process updating begins. The received result helps to generate data for further analysis.
Agree, it is not a matter of one day. But what if the enterprise doesn't have time for this? A company can always use tools that accelerate business process updates. These can be modeling and automated testing systems, for example.
After improving the digital base, the software upgrade chain is reduced to:
1) analysis and systematization of information;
2) decision making;
3) development, testing, and deployment phases.
As a result, product usage allows enterprises to reduce the entire process time and optimize staff activity.
Microservices Are The Must For Quick Updates
If you think that particular software is enough to see unbelievable results, we have to upset you. The microservices implementation should accompany this medicine. Yes, migration is not a panacea, but it means a lot.
Imagine you have both a monolithic system and an urgent need to update components rapidly. Here are some reasons you won't succeed.
The monolith is clumsy precisely because the components are interconnected. Sometimes it's hard to track such connections. But the bottom line is that one component update can change other parts of the system in unexpected ways. And this is at best. The worst outcome is an entire system shutdown.
One of the core microservice architecture benefits is component independence. Thus, making changes to one service will not affect the operation of the rest.
Another monolith's issue that prevents you from updating business processes quickly is the amount of code. Monolithic systems always have a vast amount of code that is difficult to understand, even for an experienced engineer. The documentation is almost always incomplete, and a specialist has to sit for more than one week learning code. The company becomes dependent on employees who are familiar with the codebase. And even for them, it is difficult to change the business process quickly.
It's different with microservices. Since one microservice equals one process, there should be a not too long code. Just enough for a couple of programmers to write such functionality from scratch in 2-7 business days. Now imagine the speed of microservice updates. In this case, both the IT-side and management can clearly define which process is the bottleneck to eliminate it. All the procedures are on the surface, and issues in any of them are noticeable without detailed analysis.
So here a few shining examples that microservices practice works from Netflix and Airbnb services. After switching to microservices, the Netflix team can do daily updates and implement them in 16 minutes. Airbnb experience is over 500 deployments per day. It means the company can always update services on-time and maintain competitiveness.
Top 5 Things Helping To Update Business Processes Quickly
Business process management tools usage
Transition to microservices
Keeping clear logic of business processes functioning and interaction, enshrined in internal regulations and policies
Ensuring independence from vendor and employees
Convenient environment for creating and updating microservices
How Fast Code Platform Speeds Up Changes
We at have created a platform to help businesses quickly build and change microservices. Engineers and even analysts can develop products using ready-made modules and basic knowledge of Java technologies. This system is sufficient for effective decision making and quick implementation. For example, a 27 million customer retailer has a service that allows processing order information and transferring it to the legacy ERP system. It happens in real-time. Without the code platform, the procedure would take from 10 to 30 minutes, you need to open a lot of applications to unify the information. Thus, the product allows you to change the same process as often and as quickly as the business needs.
The platform has an open-source feature. It means the business receives independence from vendors and reduces non-core management costs for partner IT services. By taking advantage of the environment, a company can effectively design and modify products internally, receiving full and long term results.