First AID course for team

Working from home or in the office? Consider you’re on a high-risk job. You never know what can happen the next moment to your or someone nearby. That’s why team has taken a First aid course. We do hope we will never need this knowledge in the real world, but we feel better when we are prepared. The course provided basic life saving first aid skills and knowledge of workplace health and safety regulations, covering:
Adult resuscitation (CPR)
Burns and scalds
Choking adult
Communication and casualty care
Minor and severe bleeding
Unresponsive adult
So once in a while, we gather in our office to learn (or refresh knowledge) the First AID basics. It is a fun and a bit of a team-building activity for a weekend, too.
We do believe this knowledge could save lives.
Be safe, take care of yourself and people around ❤️