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  • Writer's pictureElisabeth Nebster

Internal IT Inquiries Two Times Faster Delivery

How To Fix Internal Issues And Prevent Backlog: True Story

“If you’re at zero backlogs, it’s a whole lot easier to change priorities”

David Allen, a founder at GTD

Here it concerns human nature. But let's consider this from the corporate point of view. In which measure a company could be flexible if it fails to provide employees with the elementary needed software. Unfortunately, almost every large enterprise faces it. IT-team should develop simple products, like on an assembly line, instead of creating challenging core ones. The workload turns out to be so overwhelming - Kanban, Jira, and others can give no desired result. Is there a way to stop it? Let's try to discover.

Internal Product Delivery Two Times Faster: Which Instruments Works

Financial company X has already started the digital transformation process a long time ago. But things are not going well. The limited development team cannot handle the countless business unit requests. Moreover, the company plans to launch a new service. Management is in no hurry to use offshore development assistance since the enterprise operates with sensitive data. As a result, several employees are torn between satisfying standard needs and creating a new commercial product. Quality is weak in both cases.

So the problem. What options do IT specialists have, if they should design:

  • a feature that helps to track the expiration dates of agreements and

  • a robust real-time interest calculator at the same time

As seen, the first task is easy enough. This feature has simple business logic. Usually, its development cycle takes 5-6 workweeks of one engineer.

The second one is too complicated. It takes about 9 months and intensive work of 6-7 specialists.

So, how to deal with it quickly? Company X has 2 ways to go.

#1 Delegate Tasks

It consists of transferring some of the linear tasks back to business units. That is, to provide the customer with the opportunity to make the product itself. It requires appropriate environment usage and little special knowledge. We have already talked about the fast-growing trend to create in-house corporate platforms with a set of previously created tools. Today they begin to replace the sensational low code platforms, which are inferior because of significant shortcomings.

Thus, method #1: delegate easier tasks and pay attention to difficult ones.

It is a great way to solve the capacity issue, and it increases development speed by 2x or more. But it has one drawback: developers still have to look for ways to accelerate the more complicated product creation.

#2 Use The Fast Code Platform

The above in-house platform is a collection of experiences that develop over time. Company X did not have the opportunity to create a robust technical base. But they can take advantage of the fast code platform benefits. Do you know why this option is better than the previous one?

It simplifies IT tasks of any complexity. The environment provides developers with a full technical base. They don't need to design from scratch, and it cuts down on delivery times.

Let's take the simplest case: a feature to improve document workflow as an example. The platform reduces development time from 5-6 weeks to 1,5 one due to the tools and templates availability.

Remember, the team still needs to create a real-time calculator? The company requires a highly scalable solution that processes tens of thousands of orders per day. Its development based on XME.platform takes 6 months of 4 experts work. Thus, using the environment has speed-up delivery by 40%.

The second option's advantages are obvious. Here, developers can delegate some work to analysts and make it easier for themselves to deal with complex tasks. Platform features allow shortening delivery at times.

The last question the company X should ask is what helps the code platform live up to its name in practice.

Five Reasons Fast Code Platform Makes A Development Cycle 2-4x Shorter

Reason 1. Meeting basic technical needs of developers. Specialists have all the resources to create a product quickly.

Reason 2. Possibility to develop a prototype in 2-6 weeks. This advantage enables speeding up the approval stage.

Reason 3. The ability to delegate simple product creation and reduce the number of developers working on challenging projects. It makes it possible to free specialists to create new solutions in parallel.

Reason 4. Complete control over a product. The open-source feature helps companies develop different solutions rapidly on their own, regardless of the vendor.

Reason 5. Using a popular technology stack. It allows both developers to work with the familiar toolkit and business to get a result faster.


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